Change Started

About Us

Change Starts From Me and You

Change Started – Harbingers of Hope

“Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.”

Vince Lombardi

None of us are quintessential, and none of us should be content with it.

Efforts should be made consistently to bring incremental improvements not to reach perfection but to bring about a “change” – to impact the lives around us positively.

The environment is not only for placard-wielding activists; sustainability is no longer a buzzword.

Living in harmony with nature, preventing wastage & misuse, encouraging trees & plantations, conserving water, reusing items at home, supporting an eco-friendly lifestyle, and living sustainably – are tiny aspects of our lives where attention is given and can help benefit oneself and society.

We all know and recognize these aspects and look forward to being a part of this, but we eventually turn a blind eye towards it as no one else seems to be as concerned as you did initially.

One might feel there is no point in single-handedly doing it, but one must also remember that “two wrongs don’t make it right.” On the contrary, if you feel alone, it is the best time to engage with others and develop a community that can do this together.

Moreover, the transport we use on the way to work, the mobile phone that we’re constantly operating, the clothes we wear, the food we eat, the bottle we drink from, everything has environmental costs, and the choices we make will define the course of this planet.

We have only one Planet and it is our responsibility to take care of it.

The solutions to these problems are straightforward to implement; it is just that we need to be open to CHANGE. 

Many institutions, companies, individuals, groups, and celebrities contribute to improving the world.

Whether it is theirs, yours, or ours, with this platform, we want to bring stories, news, research, reports, opinions, suggestions, thoughts, and best practices from around the world to you.

Change Started is a forum to share, discuss, and highlight issues that look trivial, but if we as individuals change, it can significantly impact society. 

Together let’s create a healthy planet because Change Starts From Me and You.