One day, a young boy, Aarav ventured deep inside a forest.
Feeling tired from his long walk, he sat beneath one of the oldest trees in the forest and asked aloud, “Why do the trees stand so tall, strong and precious?”
To Aarav’s surprise, the old tree in his deep and husky voice responded, “If you want to know what makes us strong and important, you should understand what lies below the tree.”
The young boy was bewildered by a response from a tree, yet felt assured by its presence, further asked, “Do you mean you have things below the soil?”
The tree further responded, “Yes, I stand tall because of my roots, under the soil which is spread far and wide. Roots are responsible for taking in water from the soil, which is essential for our survival. The water is transported through the bark to the leaves, where it is used in photosynthesis to produce food”.
The old tree added, “Roots intertwine with the roots of other trees, forming a network of strength and unity. Each tree, no matter how small, contributes to the whole. Alone, we may bend and break, but together, we are unyielding, sustaining life on our planet and providing oxygen, fruits, medicine, and livelihoods.”
Aarav listened intently, his heart swelling with emotions and empathy. The tree continued:
“The forest is not just made of trees; it is made of flora and fauna. The microorganisms and plants that grow around us, birds that perch on our branches, animals that rest in our shade, and streams that flow beneath us—all are part of this living network. We all rely on each other, and in doing so, we give each other strength.”
Once the tree stopped speaking and dropped fruit on Aarav’s lap as a parting gift, the young boy sat quietly, contemplating the words.
He had always thought of the forest as a place of solitude and greenery but now understood that it was a place of connection—where every small item played a part in the whole and conserving forests is essential not just for the environment but also for the well-being of humans and future generations.
Aarav understood that the survival of species, including humans, depends on the services that forests provide, from oxygen and clean water to climate regulation and economic stability, by protecting forests, we protect the future of our planet.
In 2012, the United Nations declared March 21 as the International Day of Forests to celebrate and raise awareness of all types of forests, recognize the importance of trees, and take action to protect them.
Every year a new theme is chosen by the Collaborative Partnership on Forests.
The theme for 2025 is “Forests and Food,” which emphasizes the deep connection between forests and global food security.
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