Change Started
Change Started Social Impact Projects

Our Social Projects

Here are some of the Change Started Social Projects we have conducted over the years.

Safai Selfie Challenge 

We strive to contribute to ensuring our surroundings are kept clean and litter-free. However, there is also a sizable number of people across the globe who, either because of ignorance, lack of will, laziness, fun, or just driven by the ‘what is in it for me attitude, fail our society.

To create little awareness and spread a message about cleanliness, we are running this Safai Selfie Challenge initiative. Safai is a Hindi word for Cleanliness.

The initiative requires participants to take a photograph or a selfie to show that they are putting garbage in the dustbin. The picture can be posted on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

The initiative can be extended by asking, requesting, or even challenging your friends and family to do so. The fun lies in sharing the pudding.

You can ask them to donate to a social cause if they don’t do it.

It won’t require much effort, but you never know if it might influence someone. Tag the photograph on the social media pages with #SafaiSelfie #SafaiSelfieChallenge #BinTheGarbage to spread the message.

If more people follow these simple habits of disposing of garbage in the waste bin, segregating waste, and ensuring it gets recycled, we will live in much cleaner surroundings.


Litter Angels

“To reach real peace in the world, we will have to begin with the children.” – Mahatma Gandhi.

Young children comprehend better when they engage in the learning process through various activities. To ingrain the importance of cleanliness and basic sanitation at a young age, we conducted Litter Angels Programs.

We worked with schools to spread environmental and sustainability awareness programs through inclusive, fun activities like quizzes, storyboards, role plays, etc.

Street Talks

We have conducted a few awareness programs on the streets of India to bring cognition about cleanliness, plastic waste, and waste segregation.

Here is a video of our first Street Talks program conducted in one of the famous markets in Lucknow.