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Ikigai Book

Ikigai Book Review

Book Name: Ikigai 

Author Name(s): Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles

This book is about the Japanese secret of living a long and happy life, a guide to Ikigai.

The concept of Ikagi, in the simplest translation, is the happiness of always being busy, the secret of the longevity of the people of this country, especially so of the place Okinawa, a region in Southern Japan.

Ikigai’s book, authored by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles, gives a perspective on living a purposeful life by following simple rules. A wise saying is mentioned in the book, “Mens sana in corpore sano” meaning a sound mind is a sound body. 

Having a youthful mind drives you towards a healthier and more active lifestyle. Your interests will remain alive with constant new ideas, a jest to live, a goal to pursue, revitalizing you both physically and mentally. 

Ikagi explains a way of being physically active without a strenuous exercise regime. Ikigai book guides you with the ways to live life to the fullest. Never think of retiring; pursue what you enjoy, and take it slow without any urgency; when you do this, life takes new meaning.

The book puts forward multiple ways to remain youthful, which include following healthy food habits, eating only 80 percent of your hunger, devoting time to socializing, playing with kids or pets, or taking up some sport, getting enough sleep, remaining serene in case of any setback or problems.

Try to remain fit and in shape; this mindset with exercise releases hormones that all make you happy and will always keep you smiling. A cheerful attitude is very relaxing, emitting positive vibes for others. 

Challenges will keep coming, but handle them with a positive mindset and attitude. To enjoy life’s journey, be like water and immerse yourself in whatever you are doing. Search for a purpose that becomes the driving force of your existence. 

Ikagi strongly emphasizes maintaining friends as they can be the best medicine if you confide your worries, share stories, be there for each other, get advice, have fun, and dream together. All these activities will brighten your day daily.

Another aspect mentioned in the Ikigai book is connecting with nature, which constantly emits positivity and is the best way to charge your batteries.

Enjoy the present, living for the moment with no thoughts or regrets for the past or any fear of the future. Today is all you have. 

Finally follows your Ikigai – There is a passion inside you, a unique talent that gives meaning to your days and drives you to do your best right till the end.

If you want to buy the book from Amazon, here is a link.



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