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India’s Bio-RIDE scheme to support Biotechnology

The Indian government has approved a scheme ‘Biotechnology Research Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development (Bio-RIDE)’ to support cutting-edge research and development in Biotechnology. 

Bio-RIDE scheme is designed to foster innovation, promote bio-entrepreneurship, and strengthen India’s position as a global leader in biomanufacturing and biotechnology. It aims to accelerate research, enhance product development, and bridge the gap between academic research and industrial applications.

The scheme has three broad components:

  1. Biotechnology Research and Development (R&D);
  2. Industrial & Entrepreneurship Development (I&ED)
  3. Biomanufacturing and Biofoundry

The proposed outlay for the implementation of the unified scheme ‘Bio-RIDE’ is Rs. 9197 crore during the 15th Finance Commission period from 2021-22 to 2025-26.

The scheme is part of the Government of India’s mission to harness the potential of bio-innovation to tackle national and global challenges such as healthcare, agriculture, environmental sustainability, and clean energy. Implementation of the Bio-RIDE Scheme will –

Promote Bio-Entrepreneurship: Bio-RIDE will nurture a thriving ecosystem for startups by providing seed funding, incubation support, and mentorship to bio-entrepreneurs.

Advance Innovation: The scheme will offer grants and incentives for cutting-edge research and development in areas like synthetic biology, biopharmaceuticals, bioenergy, and bioplastics.

Facilitate Industry-Academia Collaboration: Bio-RIDE will create synergies between academic institutions, research organizations, and industry to accelerate the commercialization of bio-based products and technologies.

Encourage Sustainable Biomanufacturing: A significant focus will be placed on promoting environmentally sustainable practices in biomanufacturing, aligned with India’s green goals.

Support researchers through Extramural funding: Bio-RIDE will play a critical role in advancing scientific research, innovation, and technological development across diverse fields of biotechnology by supporting extramural funding to research institutions, universities, and individual researchers in areas such as agriculture, healthcare, bioenergy, and environmental sustainability.

Nurturing Human Resources in the Biotechnology sector: Bio-RIDE will provide holistic development and support to students, young researchers, and scientists working in the multidisciplinary areas of Biotechnology. The integrated program of Human Resource Development will contribute towards the capacity building and skilling of the manpower and make them competent to leverage the newer horizon of technological advancements.

Further, to enable a circular economy in the country a component of Biomanufacturing and Biofoundry is being initiated in alignment with ‘Lifestyle for the Environment (LiFE)’ to propel mitigation of global climate change by incorporating green and friendly environmental solutions in every aspect of life.

Bio-RIDE aspires to nurture the immense potential of ‘Biomanufacturing’ to facilitate the development of Indigenous innovative solutions to improve healthcare outcomes, enhance agriculture productivity, foster growth of the economy, scale up and commercialize bio-based products, expand India’s cohort of highly skilled workforce, and intensifying entrepreneurial momentum.

Launched under the aegis of the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) which comes under the Indian Ministry of Science and Technology.

DBT will support the ongoing efforts aligned with its vision of harnessing the potential of Biotechnology as a precision tool for national development and well-being of society to fulfill its mission to make India globally competitive in Biotechnology research, innovation, translation, entrepreneurship, and industrial growth and be a US$300 billion Bioeconomy by 2030.

Further Reading

Find out more about India’s ‘BioE3 (Biotechnology for Economy, Environment and Employment) Policy for Fostering High-Performance Biomanufacturing.’

Biotechnology innovation has made Seaweed emerge as a sustainable alternative to plastic packaging. Find out the startups that are working in this space. 

Mushrooms have the potential to address multiple climate-related challenges. Read here.

India’s progress in the Biofuel sector. Read here.



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