Change Started

Lockdown Times or Rather Fun time with the people we love! – How to celebrate your Kid’s birthday sitting at home

Celebrating your kid’s birthday party during the Lockdown. Here’s how you can make it memorable.

We are slowly adapting ourselves to life in Lockdown, but there cannot be a lockdown on our birthdays, children’s birthdays or even anniversaries. Even if we ignore our own birthday plans, we cannot spoil our kid’s birthday party plans which means we have to now organize and celebrate birthday inside our homes this year. While it will not be the same as the other years; it will not involve having a party at a hotel or a pub or even at home; but this should not dampen the spirits, you can still make it even more memorable this time.

So don’t let lockdown make the Kid’s Birthday party boring and kill your child’s excitement on their special day. Make the most of the things at home and give them a day which they will remember for lifetime. Unprecedented times require innovative and creative thinking.

Check out these fun ways to celebrate your special day and make it even more special and memorable and as we say at Fiesta Event Management…. Party whenever you can!

A Virtual Party

There are a plethora of multi-person video chat platforms like Zoom, HouseParty, Google Duo. Check out the link which has a list of apps and the processes involved. Believe me, it’s super easy.

These apps let the users interact with other family members, friends, and even distant relatives – thus enabling you to chat together, dance together and have a drink together, all while social distancing!.

Here are a few steps and ideas to help you plan a perfect Virtual Birthday Party

  • Plan a Theme:

Don’t let this birthday of your kid go without a special theme. Kids feel special when arrangements are done in a thematic way. Why should you settle for anything less for your kid’s special day even during the Lockdown?

Sit with your kid and zero down to a theme first.

  • List of the Guests:

List the names of your kid’s friends with whom he/she wants to party and in fact this time you can have as many guests in your guest list without having to bother about the budget. You can even invite your family and friends (and their kids as well) from other cities. Is this not exciting… 😉

  • Birthday Invite:

Design a thematic e-invite for the birthday party and send it across to your guests giving the details of the birthday party.

Sample Card 1
Sample Card 2

P.S: You can always reach out to us at 9451960165 for the invites if you are not able to or have your hands full with other jobs, our designers will get a special customized one created just for you.

  • Decorate the House

It’s their birthday! This is the least you can and must do. Clean up and make space in a particular room which you intend to use as the party area and decorate it with balloons, glitter ribbons, colored Diwali lights (everyone always has a stock of our own Diwali Lights), etc.

#Reuse and #Recycle – Try and plan the decoration that is made with pieces of stuff available at your own home. Bring out your creative hat, search your attic and make something interesting from the plastic bottle, old cloth, discarded magazine, cardboard boxes, colored papers, gift wrapping papers, flower pots, etc.

If you have a colored printer at home you can contact us at @9451960165  for professionally done digital copies of the theme designs which are ready to use. Just print them, cut it along the border and hang them using a thread or ribbon whichever is available at home.

  • Create a special Birthday playlist.

List the favorite songs of your little one and make a birthday playlist for him/her and their friends when they party through the virtual call app. The kids can have a gala time together safely in their own homes. Take over the DJs duty and make the party fun and happening.

  • Bake the Cake

Be the baker as well and bake a special cake for your kids with resources available in the house. How can a birthday be complete without the Birthday Cake?

There are many recipes available on the internet which can help you bake a beautiful and yummy cake even if you don’t even have an oven at home. Use your creativity to try and make it look like a theme cake.

One of such easy to make cake recipe:

There are plenty more recipes available online.

You can use the digital designs that we send to you to create your very own cake toppers to make the cake look like a theme cake. Something like these:

  • Make a Birthday Menu

Pick up a Chef hat and be a Chef too – Create a special menu for your kid’s favorites dishes. Try and incorporate shakes, juices and easy to make snack items as the kids are mostly happy with these and not with the elaborate main dishes.

Use sauces, cheese, chocolates mixed with a little bit of imagination to make everything look more fun and friendly. Reserve a batch of pasta and make a tangy marinara sauce likely to be more palatable with kids. Turn the sandwiches into fun shapes and smiley faces. A batch of Fries is always an easy and fun idea.

Use cut fruits and place them in interesting shapes and make your Lil one feel special.

  • Involve your neighbors

Involve your neighbors to make your kids day a special one.  You can request them to make a Birthday Placard for your kid and all of you together in your own balconies can come out together at a specific time and wish the birthday kid together and sing the Birthday Song.

  • Plan a few Games & Activities

You can even plan to include some games as well, like antakshari, quizzes, or even download a gaming app to play multi-player games.

So Here you go…

Make your kid know it’s their Big Day! This will show them how a birthday party at home isn’t all that bad and make them understand the concept of resourcefulness, sustainability and scarcity management. I can promise that this will make your kid feel extra special and will definitely bring a huge smile on their faces.

The article is contributed by Aakanksha Gupta from Fiesta Event Management. You can call reach her @9451960165 for many more fantastic ideas.



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