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TV advertisement

Indian advertisement promoting the Environment

Brands often use television commercials to convince users to buy their products or services, but in recent years the advertisements have also shown social messages. Given the challenges concerning climate change, aspects that highlight environmental issues have become more prominent. 

Here are some Indian advertisements that promote messages that are related to the environment.

Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL), India’s leading consumer goods company, has been at the forefront regarding social causes and messages around it. Here is an ad by HUL that promotes water conservation. The video shows people in an Indian village witnessing a bathroom shower for the first time and how they react to it. 

The advertisement made by WaterAid India for the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation shows the importance of saving water. In this video, a small restaurant owner teaches a lesson about water conversation to a group of people who were nonchalantly wasting water.

This commercial by the Ministry of Power, Coal, and New & Renewable Energy shows children championing the efforts to conserve power. The video shows a large group of small children vehemently singing an anthem to stress the need for educating adults in the family about switching lights and appliances when not required.

A humourous advertisement highlighting waste segregation by Hindustan Unilever. A young boy becomes the talk of the town when he is found unabashedly sitting in a dustbin and unwilling to come out. He finally relents and explains his unusual behavior to his grandmother. 

This commercial by the pen company Cello is another Indian advertisement promoting the environment by highlighting the power of writing in bringing change. In this advertisement, a young girl writes posters and places them near dustbins to encourage waste segregation.

This ad by the retail company Reliance shows children making a Ganesh idol with vegetables and then singing a hymn highlighting many modern-day urban issues like air pollution, garbage dumping, water wastage, food wastage, etc.

This ad by tea company Tata Tea raises the issue of climate change, which a young boy highlights to his father. 




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