Change Started

Society-friendly Shark

This one-of-its-kind innovation is helping the society clean its littered water.

There is a new shark in the waters – instead of eating fish or sea animals, this one feeds on waste accumulated in the oceans, lakes and water bodies. Aptly named as ‘WasteShark’, this machine can swim in the water to eat away any waste, garbage, plastic.

Ocean pollution is a widespread global challenge and finding smart solutions is the need of the hour. As per world economic forum report, by 2050 there could be more plastic in the ocean than fish. WasteShark can prove to be an effective solution to tackle most of the litter which keeps floating on the water. The smart machine is developed by Dutch company, RanMarine, which specializes in marine protection and environmental technologies.

The 40 kg and 1.5 metre long device can travel at maximum speed of 14 Km per hour. Powered with batteries, it also ensures that there are no carbon emissions. The compact size allows easy maneuverability to reach places and areas which are generally inaccessible, especially in marinas and bays. There is attachment which can hold about 160 kilograms (350lbs) of waste.

Both manual and remote control options are available for this unmanned vehicle. The anti-collision system prevents it from barging into any boat or object. In addition, the intelligent vehicle can be fitted with other sensors, which can monitor various environmental factors, like temperature and quality of air, water, etc. The garbage gobbling system has further capabilities to filter chemicals out of water like oil through its filtering pads.

Some of the places where it has already found its home are –

  • Rotterdam port in Netherland, the largest port in Europe from 2016
  • V&A waterfront in Capetown, South Africa from 2017
  • The Dubai Marina has started using this from late 2018
  • Ilfracombe harbour in UK, which is known for diverse aquatic life, from early 2019



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Change Started

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