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Ooho! London Marathon’s Edible Water Bottle made using Seaweed

What do marathons signify – fitness, endurance, fun, or litter.

If you have been a part of any marathon, you would understand what is being referred here.

The water stations, which are kept along the race route to keep the runners energized and hydrated are sometimes the place of litter and garbage.

Many times the litter is unintentional, runners, to keep up with the rhythm and maintain the pace, simply miss the dustbins and throw the empty packets or bottles on the route.

Whatever the case, the problem required some solution and it came in form of edible water bottles.

London Marathon (April 28th, 2019), had an interesting introduction at Mile 23, where instead of regular water bottles or packets, the runners were given the bio-degradable water bubble.

The liquid-filled capsules have an interesting name as well – Ooho. The small little capsules are made using seaweed and can be consumed in their entirety or can be cut open to take the water, the leftover is completely degradable.

Developed by a London-based company Skipping Rocks Lab, the edible water capsules can have widespread usage in large-scale events like marathons, social gatherings, or cultural festivals. They can be even used to hold tomato ketchup or other sauces. The innovative medium will not only help in reducing litter and space but will also help in restricting the usage of plastic.




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