Change Started

Teeny Tiny Tarsier – Interesting Features

Not many mammals on our Planet can fit in the palm of our hand. The one who does is Tarsier. 

Tarsier is one of the smallest primates in the world, with adults typically weighing between 50-120 grams and about 5 inches in length.

That is only one aspect of their uniqueness, the other one is their enormous eyes. Tarsiers are known for their eyes, which are fixed in one place, unable to move independently, giving them an alien-like appearance. 

Who knows if the characters Yoda in Star Wars, Gollum in the Lord of the Rings, and the Alien in the movie E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial were inspired by our friend in our biodiversity, but one thing is clear Tarsier are one of the most unique animals in the wildlife. 

Let us take you through some of the interesting features of Tarsier.


The fossil record indicates that these creatures have been on our Planet for the past 45 million years with physical features largely remaining unchanged. This makes them one of the most ancient primates.

Though the ancient Tarsiers were widely present worldwide, now their existence is mostly restricted to the densely forested habitats in Southeast Asia, in countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Brunei.

They like forests that have a woody vine that gives them vertical support when climbing trees as they spend most of their time hanging out on those trees. 

Distinctive Eyes

Elephants are known for their trunks, giraffes for their neck, and zebras for their stripes. These cute little animals are known for their enormous orangish-yellowish eyes. As soon as one looks at these tiny creatures, their large eyes capture our imagination.

They have the largest eyes relative to the body size of any mammal, which is useful for doing their nocturnal duties. 

Physical Appearance

Tarsiers’ are the smallest primates in the world, measuring between 3.7 to 5.5 inches, about the size of an adult human fist palm, and typically weighing between 50-120 grams.

While their bodies might be small and their eyes fixed, they can view everything around them. Similar to owls, they can move their heads 180 degrees in either direction, allowing them to see 360 degrees around them.

Interestingly, their tails are longer than their bodies, reaching about 8–9 inches. The long tails, strong arms, and legs allow them to jump and climb with ease. 

Ultrasonic Capabilities

Another interesting feature of Tarsier is their ability to communicate using extraordinarily high-frequency ultrasound. Tarsiers are the only primates where ultrasound communication has been observed, which they also use for hunting their prey. 

Carnivorous Diet

Tarsiers have a carnivorous diet primarily feeding on insects, such as crickets, arthropods, beetles, grasshoppers, and moths, thus playing an important role in the food web.

They have a long, pointed tongue that helps them catch insects and use their long and slender fingers to relish their catch.


Most of their hunting happens at night as Tarsiers are mainly nocturnal, meaning you can find them sleeping or lazying during the day, but becoming a ferocious predator at night. They can spend all night leaping from one tree to another, up 10 to 15 feet at a time. 

However, Tarsiers tend to be extremely shy and solitary only coming together for reproduction.


Female tarsiers give birth to single offspring and the gestation period takes about six months. Baby tarsiers are born furred and can climb within a day of birth. 

Post their birth, females take care of the infant for another six months, teaching them to hunt and survive. The young Tarsier reach sexual maturity by the end of their second year. 

Conservation Status

Many tarsier species are threatened, vulnerable, or endangered due to low birth rates and habitat loss from logging and mining. 

Sometimes, your cute looks can also be harmful as the Tarsiers are often captured and sold as part of the pet trade. However, due to their reclusive nature, dietary preferences, and habitat requirements, they often die within 2 years of their capture.

Efforts are being made in countries like Malaysia and the Philippines to provide them with a protected habitat for their long-term conservation. 

Wrapping Up

These teeny tiny Tarsiers might be the most peculiar primate on Earth but remain largely unknown to many people. We must appreciate their unique appearance and fascinating behavior, and ensure they survive for many more million years. 

Watch this video to get a glimpse of their unique appearance and also learn some interesting features of Tarsier. 

At Change Started we endeavor to highlight interesting aspects of our biodiversity for its protection and conservation. In addition, we cover stories on nature, environment, and sustainability. 

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