Change Started
What is Climate Anxiety

What is Climate Anxiety and its Remedy

In a time when climate change is leading to drastic conditions, it is not uncommon to feel hopelessness in such situations.

However, when this constant fear and stress lead to fatigue and affect mental health, it becomes essential to take proper action against this climate anxiety.

Climate anxiety, or eco-anxiety, is the increasing concern and distress about change happening in the environment. This phenomenon has become widespread, particularly among young people, as the impacts of global warming become more apparent and threaten the future of humanity and the planet. 

As per a UNDP survey, 87 percent of the world’s population have aspects related to climate change on their minds and 56 percent are thinking about it daily or weekly. 

Individuals experiencing climate anxiety may exhibit symptoms ranging from mild to severe, including depression, grief, guilt, powerlessness, and more.

Potential causes of climate anxiety

While the exact causes of climate anxiety are complex and multifaceted, here are some factors that have been identified as potential contributors.

Natural Disasters: The increase in the intensity of natural calamities has led to a significant increase in the prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Individuals who experience or witness traumatic events during natural disasters develop elevated levels of anxiety. Damage to property and infrastructure, physical vulnerabilities, loss of income, disease, and illness increase the chance of PTSD. 

Fear: People have become increasingly aware of the drastic effects of climate change, resulting in more stress and anxiety. Even those who have not directly experienced severe climatic conditions develop a heightened fear of natural disasters and their potential consequences. 

News and Social Media: With the advent of digital media, coverage of climate change-related issues has been frequent. As media outlets cover the havoc caused due to extreme weather events, it has created a state of fear and panic among the public.

Inaction by Policy Makers: As the government fails to take proper actions to mitigate the devastating effects caused due to natural disasters, the anxiety is accentuated. There is a fear among young people, that if people in power fail to take necessary steps the prospects will be far more concerning. The marginalized communities and those living in climate-vulnerable regions will be particularly more worried. 

How to deal with climate-related stress?

Some tips that can be used to cope with climate anxiety are mentioned down below:

Practicing Sustainable Lifestyle

It is natural to feel helpless in the face of overwhelming global action, but inaction can only exacerbate the situation. While climate change is a complex issue that requires collective efforts, you can still make a meaningful contribution to driving positive change.

  • You can encourage your friends, families, and co-workers to reduce their carbon footprint. 
  • You can advocate for government policies that address climate change. 
  • Opt for lifestyle choices that are sustainable like using electric vehicles, cycles, walking, or using public transportation whenever possible. In addition to this, try to reduce long-distance air travel. 
  • Switch to LED light bulbs and energy-efficient electric appliances. You can wash a small amount of clothes manually and hang clothes to dry naturally. 
  • Follow the 4Rs principle- reduce, reuse, repair, and recycle. Make sustainable alternatives whenever you can, from buying essential things, purchasing second-hand if possible, and repairing broken goods. 
  • Reduce meat consumption and change your diet to plant-based. Simultaneously, avoid food waste whenever possible. 
  • Dispose of your waste properly and participate in environmental initiatives such as gardening, and planting native trees.

If you are a student or young in your professional life, here are some ideas and environmental activities that can be practiced. 

By taking these actions, you can contribute to a more sustainable future and concurrently alleviate climate anxiety by feeling a sense of purpose and satisfaction in helping to create a better planet for future generations.

Parent and Child

Practice Compassion

When dealing with anxiety and the immense pressure to combat climate change, it is natural to experience challenges or moments of doubt. During these times, it is crucial to avoid self-criticism and prioritize your mental health.

Be kind to yourself and remember that progress is often gradual and setbacks are a normal part of the journey. Speaking with friends, family, and community members also helps to alleviate the stress. 

Avoiding Sensationalised News 

It is essential to take active breaks from the constant barrage of negative climate change news either on social media or television and newspapers. 

If you feel overwhelmed, choose to step away from the chaos and reengage only when you feel are emotionally equipped to do so. 

Yoga and Meditation

Yoga and meditation can also become effective tools for managing climate anxiety by promoting relaxation and reducing stress hormones.

Certain yoga poses and breathing techniques help in calming the mind. Regular yoga practice and meditation are associated with greater improvements in mood and counteract the effects of anxiety.

Nature Walks and Exercise

Taking walks in natural surroundings like under a tree shade, park or garden helps promote positive emotions and mindfulness. Listening to the sounds of birds and watching the sunshine filtering through the leaves, stimulates the release of endorphins and helps in improving the mood. 

Apart from Yoga exercises, there are many other forms of physical exercises like running, swimming, or cycling that help to reduce stress. 

Consult an Expert

While constant fear and stress about climate change can be overwhelming, it is important to understand that it is not a mental health disorder.

Some of the common symptoms that can be associated with climate anxiety can be described as feeling irritable or restless, behavioral changes, or, in some extreme conditions, feeling numb or struggling to cope with normal operations. 

Finally, if the anxiety is persistent and impacting your quality of life, it is important to seek medical advice or talk to an expert. Speaking openly with a professional or an expert will help in getting an accurate diagnosis and treatment for the condition. 

Wrapping Up

Climate anxiety is a real and understandable response to the growing threat of climate change. However, it is important to remember that you are not alone in experiencing this. 



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Change Started


Change Started is a platform that covers stories, news, research, analysis, opinions, best practices from around the world on issues that are important for the environment and protecting our Planet.

Through inclusive climate action, which includes people like you and me, we can create a sustainable planet.

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