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World Elephant Day – A Day to Honor the Elephants

They are smart. They have incredible memory power. They can feel many emotions, from joy to grief and even empathy. They live in big extended families and work together as a tribe.

It sounds like great qualities for a person, right? 

Not sure how many humans would fall in this category, but most elephants do. Elephants are an incredible part of our ecosystem.

However, countless elephants are killed each year brutally by poachers for ivory, and their carcasses are left under the sun to rot. Not only this, habitat loss, mistreatment in captivity, and human-elephant conflict are other factors that have led them to the verge of extinction.   

This is why 12 August is celebrated as World Elephant Day every year to honor the elephants and spread awareness about the threat these giants face. 

World Elephant Day: History


World Elephant Day was established in 2011 by filmmakers Michael Clark, Patricia Sims, and the Elephant Reintroduction Foundation. It was launched and celebrated officially on 12 August 2012. The primary idea behind World Elephant Day was to make people understand elephants’ plight and support solutions that ensure their safety and survival.

Researchers say over 12 million elephants lived in the wild around 100 years ago. Unfortunately, that figure has dropped down to nearly 400,000, with around 20,000 elephants killed each year by poachers. 

According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species, Asian elephants are endangered, and African elephants are vulnerable.


World Elephant Day: How can it be celebrated?

One of the best ways to celebrate the day is by educating yourself and others about this incredible animal and sharing your learning.

You could raise your voice against the dangers these amazing mammals face through social media.

Watching some good documentaries and movies on elephants would take a little of your time and will make you learn more about Elephants and the issues the animals face. 

Besides you could also support or donate to an organization or foundation that protects and conserves elephants.

Nonetheless, buying products that contain ivory must be a BIG no-no. When purchasing any antiques, pianos, or other items, make sure that you always check and ensure that elephant tusks weren’t used in their manufacturing process. 

Lastly, you could even invest in projects that offer lucrative and sustainable livelihoods to individuals who reside alongside elephants. 

Whichever way works best for you, ensure that you celebrate this day by participating in activities that help the elephant population worldwide.

You can make a huge difference by doing your part. 

Movies made on Elephants

Here is a list of some movies and documentaries on Elephants. 



World Elephant Day allows everyone to unite and discover ways to lower human-elephant conflict. The solution might include land development to minimize habitat destruction, changes in attitudes, a complete ban on poaching activities, electric fences for keeping the elephants from entering the farms, animal bridges, and many more.

Luckily, some governments and celebrities have stepped forward, including Ashley Judd, Leonardo DiCaprio, and others.

It’s important to protect these gentle giants and maintain the biodiversity of the forests.



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