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Independence Day Speech

Environment, Sustainability, Biodiversity – Indian PM Narendra Modi Independence Day Speech

Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi unfurled the Tricolour and addressed the nation from the ramparts of the majestic Red Fort on the occasion India’s 74th Independence Day.

While the major focus of the speech was overwhelmingly focussed on developing a self-reliant India. In his 90 minute speech, which is also his third-longest Independence day speech pushed for bringing reforms for the growth of the economy. He applauded the contributions of corona warriors in fighting the health crisis and India’s armed forces who are standing against adversaries on the borders.

Delivering his 7th Independence day speech also included a few minutes on the aspects of the environment, sustainability, and bio-diversity. 

Ladakh region as Carbon-neutral

The newly created union territory of Ladakh can become India’s carbon-neutral state. 

Located on the mountainous region of the Himalayas, the Ladakh region is unique in its diversity and ecology. Similar to northeastern state Sikkim, which has established itself as an organic state, regions of Ladakh, Leh, Kargil can be developed as a carbon-neutral territory. That can set a precedent for other regions & states in the country to become carbon-neutral.

He mentioned the government plan to develop a 7500 MW solar park in the region.

Renewable Energy

The initiative on “One World One Sun One Grid”, India has become a thought leader for the entire world to promote and harness the power of solar energy.

India has become among the top 5 nations of the world in terms of renewable energy.


To reduce pollution, India has made remarkable progress in many aspects. 

National-level initiatives like Swachh Bharat, LPG distribution to ensure smoke-free cooking for rural households, promoting LED bulbs as an electricity medium, moving transportation to CNG, focus on electric mobility – have resulted in decreasing the pollution levels across the country.

India is also leveraging Ethanol at a widescale to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. He mentioned within 5 years country’s ethanol output has grown by 5 times to 200 from 50 crore liters.

The government has identified 100 cities in the country for which an integrated and holistic approach will be followed to reduce pollution.


International Tiger Day

India is one of the few countries in the world where forest cover has increased. He stressed that India is fully committed to improving the biodiversity in the country.

India has successfully taken forward missions like “Project Tiger”, “Project Elephant” for the conservation of wildlife. The projects have resulted in increasing the number of tigers in the country.

In the near future, the government is planning “Project Lion”, for the protection of Asiatic lions. He stressed that all the necessary resources and infrastructure will be provided for its successful implementation. 

Another one in the list is “Project Dolphin”, which will focus on river dolphins and sea dolphins. This will not only help in developing biodiversity, but it will also create employment and impetus to the tourism sector.





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