Change Started

Lessons Taught by Indian Culture for Sustainable Living

As the human population is exploding, resources are reducing.

Concerns loom everywhere, from reducing pollinators affecting food security to air and water pollution affecting the lives of individuals.

There is no shortage of kooky assumptions made about those who are making an effort to lead a sustainable lifestyle. In fact, there are a lot of kooky things people do in order to lead a sustainable lifestyle. However, if you are able to let go of the natural judgments and assumptions that tend to come to mind when presented with ideas about sustainable living, you may realize that it is not those who pursue sustainable living practices who are kooky, but are instead those who do not pursue sustainable living practices!

These are just some of the solutions to get you started on a more sustainable path in 2020, in harmony with Mother Earth.

Never Too Late

One of the most important things those with a focus on sustainable living come to understand is that the planet is currently in a place where it is decaying – but that it is not too late to get back on the right track; the more you start to learn about the state of the environment, the more you will come to know that each of us must do our parts, putting the earth in a position where it can begin to recover from the damage we’ve done to it, and bringing it back to the purer state it was in centuries ago.

Health and Sustainable Living

Another element that is important in this area is taking care of our own bodies – and because our bodies have developed in such a way that they are supposed to be able to thrive in the world as it was a few hundred years ago, the best way to take care of our bodies is by eating the way people ate several hundred years ago; this means eating foods that can be hunted or gathered, and eating them in their natural state – not adding preservatives and chemicals to them, but consuming them in their purest possible form.

Whether it is rice products in South India, or wheat products in North India, people in the country have always tried to eat dishes made with grains and ingredients that are local to that place.

Given the impact of transportation on climate change, it is advisable to consume local cuisine. 

Clothing, Gardening, Food, and More

And of course, sustainable practices with clothing are the best way to go; for instance, hemp clothing can look great, and it is both breathable and sturdy, so that your skin will feel comfortable, your clothes will last a long time, and the planet will continue to thrive under our modern watch.

Also, Home gardens provide not only a source of just-picked freshness that can really liven up a summer salad but working in the garden is a great way to get outdoors and get some exercise too. You would probably be surprised just how beneficial the constant up-down motion of gardening can be to keep old and creaky joints smooth and fluid.

Sustainability is an eco buzzword that has worked its way into the Indian consciousness. It has always been a core component of Indian culture. Sustainable and environmentally friendly practices and psyches still continue to be part of the lifestyle and culture. India has both a culture of hoarding (in case something might useful) and thriftiness (reuse and hand-me-downs). It is not an uncommon sight in an Indian household to witness an old cloth used as a duster.

Things that have absolutely no value, like old newspapers and books, or utensils, can be easily sold off to scrap dealers to be reused or recycled. Bucket baths, sun-drying clothes, and hand-washing dishes are other widespread, sustainable practices. Culturally, there is also an aversion to wasting food.


India and the world have a long and challenging way to go and cope with environmental problems and learning to live together in sustainable communities. We need to understand that development is more than economic, and sustainable development is a collective responsibility.



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Change Started

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Change Started is a platform that covers stories, news, research, analysis, opinions, best practices from around the world on issues that are important for the environment and protecting our Planet.

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