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Waste in Nature

Waste Management Startups in India

From plastic waste to sanitary waste, from construction waste to used oil waste, the growing Indian economy produces tonnes of waste and trash, impacting the environment and public health.

solution to food waste

To prevent this waste from going to landfills, India needs to invest heavily in the 3 R – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. 

A slew of Indian waste management companies has come up in the last few years to enable a circular economy ecosystem. They not only help individuals and companies manage their waste but also promote the reuse of resources. 

We looked at some of these waste management startups that are helping India remain clean. The below-mentioned waste management companies are also winners of the Swachhata Startup Challenge, launched by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) and Agence Francaise de Developpement (AFD)


Genrobotics is a robotics and defense engineering company based out of Kerala. The company has developed a robotics scavenger, named “Bandicoot”. The robotic device is equipped with a human-controlled interface, cameras, and sensors which makes it effective to clean any type of manhole.

Manual scavenging practice is highly prevalent in many underdeveloped and developing countries, including India. The manual method of cleaning manholes is not only dehumanizing but also causes deaths and serious health issues for the people involved. Though India has officially banned manual scavenging in 2013, it is still employed in large parts of India due to various factors.

Genrobotics technology-enabled solutions to prevent manual scavenging can go a long way in preventing this inhuman practice in India and other parts of the world.

The Kabadiwala

The Kabadiwala is a recycling company that helps individuals and corporates discard their waste responsibly – Individuals can sell their household junk like newspapers, books, plastic items, e-waste, metal scraps, old vehicles, etc while corporates can fulfill their EPR responsibilities.

The Bhopal-based startup effectively uses technology to run its operations in many cities in India. 

Bintix Waste Research

Bintix enables people to sell their household waste including paper, plastic, metal, glass, etc. In addition, people can also give their old clothes and footwear which are further donated by Bintix.

Starting in 2018, the company has had a presence in Hyderabad, Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Lucknow.

Recycler India-Saltech Design Labs

Recycler-Saltech Design Labs s one of those waste management companies that enables in manufacturing of upcycled building materials. The company collects and transforms single-use plastic items, construction & demolition waste materials, industrial minerals, and fly ash wastes into alternative composite building materials.


JalSevak is a wastewater recycling company that has developed a patented solution for recycling greywater. The company’s waste management system helps in conserving fresh water, improving sanitation, and reducing sewage production in residential and commercial properties.

Greywater is the wastewater that is generated after activities like bathing, washing, and laundry. JalSevak treats greywater to make it available for toilet flushing, gardening, and floor cleaning.


GreenJams is a carbon-negative building material producer. The Vishakapatnam-based company makes its products from crop residues such as paddy straw, cotton stalks, and bagasse which not only solves the problem of crop stubble burning, but the building material also helps in sustainable construction.

As per the company’s claims, their product Agrocrete helps reduce the cost of construction by up to 50% and improves the building energy efficiency by up to 25%. 

Mudita & Radhesh

Mudita & Radhesh enables clothes manufacturing using chicken waste. The company collects chicken feathers from the local poultries and slaughterhouses, which typically throw this waste into landfills, and process them to create fabric. 

The chicken waste undergoes a sanitization process after which it is pulped and spun into yarn. The yarn is supplied to local artisans and tribals to create handloom products like quilts, shawls, jackets, stoles, and mufflers. Therefore this initiative from Mudita & Radhesh is not only helping in the reduction of chicken waste but also empowering the tribal community.

  • Head Quarters: Jaipur, Rajasthan

Green Delight Innovations

Green Delight Innovations is solving the problem of sanitary pad waste, which is primarily plastic. The Coimbatore-based startup makes biodegradable sanitary pads, using kenaf fiber, extracted from the stem of the Gongura plant (pulicha keerai). The sanitary pads can decompose in six to eight months and along with kenaf fiber also contain cotton and bioplastics.

The leaves of Gongura which are traditionally used in Indian cuisine to give a sour taste are given a new twist by Green Delight Innovations. 

  • Head Quarters: Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

ECOIL / KNP Arises

Ecoil is one of those waste management companies that is solving the problem of cooking oil waste generated by the food industry. The company buys used cooking oil from hotels and restaurants and converts them into bio-diesel.

Food businesses are often blamed known to throw their used cooking oil in drains, landfills, etc. can now generate financial benefits by selling it to Ecoil.

Cherries Engineering / JALODBUST

Cherries Engineering is addressing the challenge of manual scavenging through its sanitation service equipment. The portable multi-functional sanitation service equipment pumps high-density fecal and sanitary sludge from leach pits, septic tanks, and manholes.




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